Sunday, February 5, 2012

The downfall of America through liberal ideology

The defining fabric of America is exemplified in the simple phrase, "The Land of Opportunity."  No other civilization in the history of mankind has ever afforded a human equal opportunity to exercise their God given right of liberty to pursue a life and profession of their choosing. The status of man throughout world history can be summarized with a few words--slavery, dictatorship, caste, and peasantry. The life of an average North Korean today was the way of the world for the past several thousand years. Democracy in ancient Greece and the Roman Republic were temporarily shifts away from the normal state of human affairs--anarchy or tyranny.

The Founding Fathers, fluent in antiquities, sought to learn from the lessons of these past civilizations. Grandiose doesn't come close to describing the dream the Founding Fathers converted into reality. They took the good attributes of the Roman Republic and Greece and desired to make it better, grander, freer, and based on Judea-Christian values and God given rights. They structured the economy based on free market principles of great thinkers, such as Adam Smith.

Americans think in grandiose terms. That's the American way. We dream of doing the impossible and then we go and do it. Human flight, electricity, phonograph, nuclear energy, and man visiting the Moon are just a few.

And it's not only doing the impossible that defines us. We are not the world's policemen. Rather, we are the protector of good and the enemy of evil. Americans selflessly defeated many evils over the years, such as the tyrants of WWII. We defeated, as Reagan said, the "Evil Empire". Americans today are rooting out evil in such places as Afghanistan.

And when those who say that America shouldn't be the world's policemen, we need to educate them that we are not and never have been policemen. Rather, America's military is a deterrent of evil and the beacon of hope for all mankind. The American spirit is a flame of purity that the people of the world can trust and turn to if the evil grows ambitious. We are the big kid on the block that the bullys of the world fear. And if a bully wants to turn violent and pick a fight with one of our friends, then they'll have to deal with America.

If Americans over the past couple centuries didn't think in grandiose terms and if the American spirit didn't guide our veterans to free those living under tyranny during WWII and other conflicts, the world would be a much different and darker place today.

No words exist that can properly describe the greatness of America. To be American is not just a nationality or a word on a passport. It's not only a legality discerning ones citizenship. America is more than a tangible label for a country. America is an ideal born from the hearts of men touched by God. It was led and protected by the greatest guardians of world history, those who bled and fought for the American ideal--our veterans. The soil of America glows with the warmth of mankind. The fruits of the soil, the American spirit, embodies the good that mankind has achieved. The American way fuels that beacon of light which has led the world into an era that no one could have ever dreamed.

However, as we saw with ancient Rome and other civilizations, the American way is far from permanent. Our children and grandchildren won't inherit these liberties unless the American spirit remains strong. Greece and Rome crumbled.  As we saw with Rome, their legions could no longer protect their civilization. What caused the decline of their military and ultimately the fall of their civilization? Books have been written to answer that question. Yet, whatever the root causes, Rome ultimately lost the ability to defend themselves.

If that ever happens to America and we lose our status as the worlds military superpower with no close second, then we may share the same fate as ancient Rome.

With current plans underway to cut hundreds of billions of dollars from our military, we might be taking the first steps in losing that military superiority.

What's causing the pressure to cut our defense budget?  Many factors including record deficit spending, a sky rocketing debt, new social and entitlement programs, and new policies and regulations that stifle American's from succeeding in the free market economy.

If social programs and irresponsible domestic policy decisions of those in the White House and Capitol Hill continue in their current direction, we may very well be taking more than just the first few steps in losing our military superiority. As our budget succumbs to the weight of entitlement programs and interest payments and we experience cuts to our military over the following decades, our nation will indeed be on a similar path of Rome in terms of a losing the ability to defend ourselves. The Vandals and Visigoths of today will surely be licking their chops at an opportunity to sack the greatest civilization known to mankind.

What's the driving force behind the pressure to cut our military spending?

Liberal ideology.

Obama, Pelosi, and Reid want nothing more than to drastically reduce military spending in favor of increasing entitlement and social programs. Much of their plans would also be funded by debt. Our spending will eventually cross the brink and enter a death spiral. Ever increasing debt means ever increasing interest payments. As those interest payments gobble up more of the budget, so will entitlement and social programs as they are continually forced onto Americans by the liberals and RINOs in government. Taxes will be raised which will further bruise an already injured economy. Lower tax revenue will result. Increased borrowing will be necessary to pay for entitlements and interest payments. The death spiral will continue. The military will be a casualty. Look at Europe. European socialism has all but eliminated Europe's military.

When America's military loses that aura of invisibility, there goes the world. At that moment, America will enter what was the 5th century AD for Rome. That is when the Vandals and Visigoths realized that Roman military strength was no longer invincible.

The shining beacon of light radiating from America will cease to exist. The American spirit will be nothing more than a distant memory in the night. And the world will enter a new Dark Age. Tyranny and anarchy will return mankind to the normal state of affairs relegating the American ideal to the history books.

Continued implementation of liberal policies cloaked under the label of good, such as new social programs and massive deficit spending to save and create jobs, will set off that death spiral.

The downfall of our nation won't be by the hands of external threats. Rather the events that set into motion the downfall of our military and the world's subsequent slide into a new Dark Age will be by those in our government who believe in liberal ideology. And also by those in our government without the courage to stop the liberals.

Further implementation of Liberal ideology will lead to the downfall of America.

And America's greatness can't be solely protected by merely throwing liberals out of office. Rather, we must put into office those with moral conviction, American exceptionalism, and a genuine belief that America is touched by God. 

The answer to helping the poor and unfortunate is not to follow misguided liberal policies of creating expensive bureaucratic run entitlement programs. The true answer is in the message of our Founding Fathers, in the fabric of the American way, and the strengthening of the American spirit. The answer is individual liberty, limited government, capitalism, the rule of law, faith, and national security. Robust economic growth is the proven method for truly helping the unfortunate. Strengthening America's economy relies on supporting tax cuts, school choice, entitlement reform, deregulation, and faith-based initiatives.

We must protect that glow of individualism inside each of us and strengthen the America that the Founders created by preserving our God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Government programs are not the answer.

Protecting the spirit of freedom, that flame of brilliance inside each American, is the answer to vibrant economic growth which will raise the unfortunate out of poverty and maintain the greatest force for good in the history of the world--the US military.

-Thomas Longfellow
Author of the Conservative fiction novella: Guardians of the Gift

Contact the author:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Coulter vs Limbaugh!?

Coulter supports Romney. Limbaugh defends Gingrich.

Ann Coulter came out with an article today (Re-elect Obama: Vote Newt!) arguing that Romney is a true Conservative. It's also in alignment with much of the anti-Newt press today:

1. YouTube videos of Newt speaking poorly of Reagan
2. Bob Dole and others adding their voice to the chorus of GOP insiders that obviously want Newt to fail

Coulter's final words in the bottom of the article say this, "Romney is the most electable candidate not only because it will be nearly impossible for the media to demonize this self-made Mormon square, devoted to his wife and church, but precisely because he is the most conservative candidate."

It appears Ann Coulter has been drinking the GOP insider Kool-Aid.

And Ann, if Romney is such a true Conservative then why did he vote for Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale who opposed Reagan and then later support liberal Democrat Paul Tsongas for president?

Obama's $1 billion campaign war chest will fuel a media blitzkrieg to tear down whoever is the GOP nominee. And if Newt can single handily tear down Romney in two debates in South Carolina, just imagine what Obama's $1 billion attack machine will do to Mitt.

Now Rush Limbaugh remained more neutral on the matter. (As I'm writing this blog Drudge is reporting that Limbaugh and Ronald Reagan's son are blasting Romney and saying Newt is a true Conservative). But in this transcript, Rush provided some interesting facts in defense of Newt Gingrich. It's a bit long, but here are a few snippets:

Limbaugh said, "Remember, folks, the Republican establishment never liked Reagan.  I know I say this over and over again...Remember, now, in 1988 the establishment was happy.  They couldn't wait to get rid of -- in fact, Jeff Lord at American Spectator has written about some of the things that happened when the Bush 41 people showed up and took over the West Wing. They got rid of all the Reagan stuff. I forget the specifics.  But in 1988 your ticket to the top of the GOP was to sign up for being a moderate.  So at least best you could say maybe Newt was practicing opportunism there."

Nancy Reagan said in November of 1995, "The dramatic movement of 1995 is an outgrowth of a much earlier crusade that goes back half a century.  Barry Goldwater handed the torch to Ronnie, and in turn Ronnie turned that torch over to Newt and the Republican members of Congress to keep that dream alive."

Rush also states that Michael Reagan, Ronald Reagan's son, endorsed Newt.

I'm siding with Limbaugh. Ann Coulter drank the Kool-Aid.

And the fact that many GOP insiders are attacking Newt Gingrich might be a "Badge of Honor" for Newt. If the Establishment doesn't like Newt, then Newt clearly isn't part of the Establishment. And do we really want the Establishment on the GOP ticket?

The GOP Establishment is good at losing to Democrats in Presidential elections (McCain '08, HW Bush '92, Dole '96). Is it coincidence that all three are loud and staunch Romney supporters? Any surprise that Dole recently attacked Newt?  (George W Bush has remained quiet thus far)

Also, Newt Gingrich boosted South Carolina's primary voter turnout by approximately 35%--record breaking.  We'll have to see if this trend continues in Florida on Jan 31.

Boosting voting turnout will be critical to defeating Obama. Romney is at risk of being a John McCain 2008 Version 2.0 and nothing more than a wet blanket to Republican voter turnout.

Some argue that Romney is liked by Independents and some Democrats that have grown tired of Obama and will provide the necessary increase in voter turnout.

Two points:

1. Just because some Independents and Democrats say they don't mind Romney doesn't translate into increased voter turnout.

2. After Obama burns through his $1 billion piggy bank on attacking Mitt Romney, do you think those Independents and Democrats will still support Mitt or have the motivation to even show up to vote?

Let's not forget that Romney is horrid at debates. He reminds me of McCain in '08. Obama will sink Romney. Not Newt.

Newt was down in the polls in SC before the two SC debates. After those debates, Newt won by a landslide. It's fair to say Newt pummelled Mitt.

Newt can take Obama on the debate floor.  

And recently Brit Hume believes that Newt's horrid favorability rating will make him unelectable. Brit's argument may no longer have legs. Romney's favorability ratings have slumped and tied Gingrich:

Next steps: Florida primaries. More data after the FL primary will mean more analysis.

And one last thought: 
Limbaugh - 1
Coulter - 0

-Thomas Longfellow
Author of the Conservative fiction novella:
Guardians of the Gift

Contact the author: